Dating & Relationships

Lies That I Am Currently Unlearning

There are so many lies that we hear and come to believe when dating and relationships are involved. Here is what I used to believe:

  1. It is unlikely that someone would want to date or marry a virgin.
  2. It’s only women who are virgins and are waiting it out until marriage.
  3. My standards are too high and that is why I never met someone who could meet them.
  4. The type of man that I want does not exist so it is best to just settle.
  5. You need to date around in order to find the one.
  6. Men after God’s own heart doesn’t exist.
  7. Waiting it out does not work.
  8. Everyone is called to marriage.
  9. The reason why I’m not able to find the right one for me is because there is something wrong with me.
  10. I need to know exactly what I am doing and how to please my partner in the bedroom on day one.
  11. I am not making myself available enough to “be found”.
  12. You are supposed to be married by your mid-20’s.

What I have heard:

  1. If you did not have an example of what a healthy marriage looks like growing up, chances are, you won’t have a successful marriage.
  2. Healthy relationships do not last.

*I will definitely do another post where I discuss the truths of all of these lies!*

Are there any dating and relationship lies that you heard or need to unlearn? What about myths around dating and relationships? Comment below!

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