Healing,  Your Voice

My Friend, Think Bigger

Everything God does is for a reason. God wants to do bigger things in your life but trust is involved. A dear friend that I have met through my platform had shared her story with me via email and gave me permission to share it with you. Her name is Bekah. I pray that her story inspires you as much as it did for me to think bigger and trust God. God knows exactly what He is doing. Nothing He does is by accident. He is just preparing you for greater!

Growing up, I’ve always struggled with comparing myself to others and wondering why nothing ever happened for me that way I intended it to. I worked in an after school program for almost 10 years. Every time I would have an evaluation the supervisors would always say, “B, you’re amazing. The way you are with the kids, your performance while on the job, the fact that you would do things not asked of you, keep it up. We want to offer you the position of being an assistant director, are you interested?” Of course I was grinning from ear to ear; I knew it was going to be a challenge, but hey, I was up for it. So I told them, “Yes.” But then it came to a point where it felt like I was begging because every time I would inquire, it was always an excuse or I’ll get the runaround. Then it came to a point where people I trained, I mean trained and had under me, were exceeding. Meaning, whenever a new staff came to work for the program, I’d be the one to train and mold them. One guy I trained over the summer ended up becoming an assistant director that Fall. When I tell you I was fuming , I was. How can someone who just came to this job end up getting this position? A position I was offered. Mind you, I was qualified. Wait no, I was overqualified than anyone at that job. I would question God and would get mad with God and ask, “Where are you, why did they overlook me when I had years under my belt and was more qualified than all those people?” But God whispered in my ears and told me, “It’s not your time, this is not your season, I have something better, just trust in me”.

One of my very good friends didn’t know what she wanted to do in life. I will never forget that day in the park. We talked and talked and then that very night she applied for graduate school and got accepted for the next semester. Long story short, after her first interview, she called me and said, “B, thank you, talking to you that day made all the difference, I just got an amazing job offer in my career!” And fast forward to today, she’s doing what she loves and is very successful. Now me on the other hand, been in school all my life and when I say all my life I do mean all my life lol. I had the smarts, I had the brains; it’s just, I figured let me get these degrees so if one doesn’t work out, I can always fall back on the other.  Do I regret that decision I made? No, not at all.  I just have a bunch of loans to pay back lol. Anyways back to the story. My friend went on one interview and was hired right away. Here I was going on countless interviews and nothing happened. I mean , I’ve literally been on so many interviews, that it came to a point that I just gave up. Still not in my career. Still moving from job to job. I literally even moved to another state, not knowing anyone to get certified and thought I would have already been in my career but it wasn’t the case. It would get super discouraging and it was super frustrating. But what did God tell me? “Think bigger, stop looking at what others have and what they are doing. I need you to trust in me. I have something way better for you”. My younger sister graduated from Graduate School and had so many job offers, but what did God tell me, “Think bigger, stop looking at what I’m doing for others and seek my face”. My other younger sister took her Nursing exam and passed, and here I am failing exams left and right, God told me, “Think bigger.”

Even in terms of relationships, friends I went to school with are all married,  have kids and are successful and I asked God, “What about me?” God told me, “My child, stop looking at others. Look at you, you’re unhappy, miserable and depressed. I know it feels like a long time, but know, your time is coming.” Uhmm can I be honest? Who wants to keep hearing that after YEARS of nothing ever happening the way YOU intended? I don’t know about you but after awhile hearing the same thing over and over becomes redundant and taxing. See the key word is, ‘YOU’… why not take a minute and instead of complaining and asking, “God, I was supposed to be in my career at the age of 24, married at 27. Why is everyone around me succeeding and I’m still at the bottom? God why am I still single after all these years? God why are you overlooking me? God, hello , are you there, God???? God, I did everything right, may have fallen a few times , but I did everything right and I’m still not where I’m supposed to be in life, God , I’m… ”. I’m going to stop you right there. Instead of questioning God about why things aren’t happening the way YOU want, ask God this, “God, what do YOU have planned for my life”? You, my friend, may have a timetable for when things should happen and what age it should happen by, but always remember, God has a plan. Stop comparing.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11.

I say all of this because I want you to remember, that although you may feel discouraged and want to give up and throw in the towel, trust me. I’ve came to many points in my life wanting to do that, just think, “That opportunity will be bigger. That job will be bigger . That relationship will be better.” You’re here comparing yourself to others and questioning God about why things that haven’t happened in the time frame YOU wanted, but God said, “Think biggerI don’t want you settling. Trust in me, seek my face. Think bigger. Bigger is your portion. I’m going to open doors for you all You need to do is TRUST me. I’m going to shut doors. Think of it as my way of PROTECTING you. If I wanted you to have the job, be in that relationship, you would have had it all.” 

I’ll leave you with this: Bigger is YOUR portion. Step into YOUR bigger.   Anything you think about is BIGGER. Stop thinking so small, with God you need to think BIGGER !

Bekah 12/23/20

*If you haven’t already, make sure you subscribe by joining the club and follow me on instagram, pinterest, and tiktok @singlechronicles7 to stay motivated and inspired* XOXO Ali


  • Ali

    Thank you so much Bekah for being willing to share your story here on my blog. My prayer is that God uses you to touch the lives of so many that are also going through what you have been going through. You are not alone!

  • Roni

    Thank you for sharing! Your testimony goes to show that God is in control of everything, even when it seems likes nothing is happening for us at that moment. God has bigger and better things for you Bekah!!! Keep on trusting God & believing on His promises.