A Word for 2025: Patience
For the past 2-3 weeks, I have been praying and seeking God for a word for 2025. A word not just for me but for all those who are walking with God, desiring to know what He has in store for His people. I can confidently say that so many of us have experienced highs and lows, good moments and not so good moments, and wins and losses in 2024. The word God gave me in 2024 was about staying focused. “What you choose to focus on from here on out will determine the outcome of your success in 2024.” Truth be told, I did not always adhere to this. At times, I focused more on my circumstances, losing sight of God, which made the journey difficult. It wasn’t until I fully returned my attention to God that the weight of the journey did not necessarily become easier but became doable.
As I sat in my childhood room finishing up my graduate schoolwork, seeking God during little moments of break, the word “patience” came to my spirit. “But God, I have been patiently waiting for the promise, the breakthrough, the miracle, the deliverance, the healing… for over 10 years. Why are you asking me yet again to be patient when I have been patient this entire time?” That is the exact question I asked God as He began speaking the word to me. I can be honest and say that these past years, especially and specifically in 2024, have been filled with tears of sadness and disappointment from being in the same situation, complaining about being in the same situation, and growing frustrated and weary of remaining in the same situation. God wants this new season of patience to be filled with peace. With contentment. With joy. With less complaining and more rejoicing.
The Holy Spirit wants us as believers to walk into this new year where we stop comparing ourselves to others and focus on our own journey. That is how we will develop patience. Social media is on a whole new level where people are constantly posting all of their highlighting moments: their families [children and partners], their travels; their new house or car; or their new job. When you look at your own circumstances, the things that you have been fervently praying about or for have yet to come to pass while others are getting the very things you’ve been crying out to God for. It is so easy to get caught up in whatever everyone else has and what everyone else is doing that it can cause you to become impatient. Society and culture adopts this mindset that we have to have everything now which goes completely against what God wants for us. God wants us to wait on Him and doing so requires patience.
Patience also requires a change of attitude. You have to be consistent in keeping your spirits uplifted in 2025. Not just for one week or for one month. It has to be ongoing. It has to be steadfast so that no matter what happens – or doesn’t happen – your attitude remains the same. One that is not moved by your circumstances.
It takes great intentionality and purpose to remain with an attitude of patience when your situation has yet to change. If other people are going ahead of you, getting the very thing you have prayed for, let it be. Remain focused on your own journey and keep a positive attitude. Your time will come. In the meantime, work at the things God has given you. If taking a break from social media is what is needed so that your patience is not disrupted by the “happiness” of others, then do so. It is your job in 2025 to do whatever is necessary to protect your patience. If it means finding scriptures on patience, studying what the word “patience” means, filling your time achieving the goals and visions God has placed on the inside of you as you wait on God in that particular area, then do it. If you feel yourself starting to become impatient from here on out, especially after you have received this word, remind yourself of the goodness and faithfulness of God. God’s promise will come to pass in your life at the right time in His timing.
To be honest, patience is one thing I have never prayed for because it is something that I do not want. I want what I want when I want it. However, that is not the way God works. My attempts of doing things my own way to obtain His promise has failed me over and over again. I have to start asking the Holy Spirit for help in remaining patient. In order to be at peace, filled with contentment and joy, I have to ask the Holy Spirit to help me have a heart of patience that is reflective of Christ and not man. As I continue working on myself, growing in the Lord, I will begin to see and receive all that God has for me. You will too.
Let patience become your portion in 2025!
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