
Allow God To Write Your Love Story

I allowed God to write my love story on May 28th, 2015. That was the day I surrendered this area of my life to Him at 20 years old. He gave me a promise to wait on Him and He will exceed my expectations. God told me that while He is molding me into the young woman I am supposed to be in Christ, at the same time, He is molding and shaping my future husband. He has someone special in store for me, but only if I wait. Dating and multiple relationships won’t be for me because God said that when He finally brings a person into my life, that will be him. I won’t need to go searching if I wait on Him. The guy will be so focused on God as I should be , and when he looks up, God will tell him that I will be for him.

Has the waiting been easy? No! But as I get older, I am glad that I gave God the pen. I don’t have to go searching for the One. I don’t have to worry about putting myself in places to be found. I don’t have to do things to be seen. Because God is writing my love story, I can rest easy knowing that He is going to set it up at the right time in the right season where I will be found. I don’t want to give my heart to the wrong person. I don’t want to be touched by the wrong person. When I give, I give everything so I will continue waiting no matter my age.

Let me share something to those who are also in a season of waiting: Many times, you are ready but the person that God has for you isn’t. Just as God has worked on you, He also wants to work on your future spouse. God doesn’t want you touching your spouse while they are being molded. God needs them to go through some things to strengthen them, increase their faith, but most importantly, be fully dependent on Him to supply their every need. The worst thing that you can do is marry someone who doesn’t know who God is, and who doesn’t know how to let God fulfill their emptiness. God created each and every one of us with a void. Some go to Him and His Word for fulfillment while others go to man, sex, drugs, alcohol, etc. I don’t know about you but I want the former. I need my spouse to know who God is. Once the person God has for you has fallen in love with Him first and foremost, and that person has learned to fall in love with who they are and who God created them to be, then and only then, would he or she be able to truly fall in love with you.

Remember, You will never learn how to truly love someone if you haven’t fallen in love with your Heavenly Father first.

I’ve always said that the man that God has for me will be so attracted to the God in me. He will have to go to God to find me. He will have to go to God to see how to win my heart because I will not give it to him right away. Only God will when it is time because my heart is in His hands right now and it is delicate. I am hidden in God so he has to search and seek God in order to even have my hand in marriage. He would have to allow the Holy Spirit to lead him and guide him. He won’t be able to rely on His own strength to get me. He would have to rely on God’s wisdom and guidance to pursue me and court me.

I want a long lasting marriage so God has to be first even in my singleness. I’m giving God my desires and if it is in His will for my life, He will make it happen when the time is right.

I encourage you today to allow God in and let Him write your love story if you haven’t already. Every story is different so what He gave me will look a lot different than what He has or will give you. He knows your end from your beginning. Quit trying to make it happen on your own and rely on your Him. When God is in it, He makes everything beautiful. I know that if you leave this area of your life in the hands of God, you will eventually see His hand in it. If you want God’s hand in your marriage, surrender today. Whether you are 22 or 52, if marriage is something that you desire, let go and just let God.

*If you haven’t already, make sure you subscribe by joining the club and follow me on Facebook Page, Facebook Group, Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, and YouTube @singlechronicles7 to stay motivated and inspired* XOXO Ali


  • Hassan Borgstrom

    Howdy! This post could not be written much better! Going through this article reminds me of my previous roommate! He constantly kept talking about this. I most certainly will send this information to him. Pretty sure he’s going to have a very good read. Thank you for sharing!