God Forgives You! Part II
There is now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1) Adam and Even displayed the exact human response to sin in the Garden of Eden back in the book of Genesis. God told Adam and Eve that they can eat from any of the trees but not from the tree in the middle of the garden (Genesis 3:3). Rather than walk in obedience, they both caved in to the trick of the serpent. The serpent did not and will not come to play games. He has an agenda. His plan is to deceive and to destroy (John 10:10), and after he is finished, he will hide…
Truths To Relationship Lies Part II
God will always reveal His truth to every lie of the enemy. The enemy wants you operating in brokenness when God wants you to operate from a place of wholeness. His truth will give you a sense of peace and provision as you navigate dating and relationships. Today’s post continues on with each lie combated with truth. Lie: The type of man that I want does not exist so it is best to just settle. Truth: So there are 2 parts to this lie. Number 1, it is true that the type of man that I want does not exist. That is very true. God does not design our spouses…
Should I Be In A Relationship Right Now?
Should I be in a relationship right now? That is a question that you have to ask yourself. Whether you are currently in a relationship or single, you have to know if being in a relationship is the right move for you in this season of your life. The desire for companionship is real. The longing for that attention, that touch, that embrace is natural. I get it. I’ve been there where I wanted nothing more than to be in a relationship. I was tired of lonely and horny nights. I was tired of not having anyone to talk too. I was tired of going grocery shopping by myself and…
Why God May Have You Single
Have you ever wondered why you are single? If you did, you discovered the correct blog post today. By now, you may have already heard my story. I never dated, never went on a date, and never had a boyfriend. I am the true definition of completely single. I have been single my entire life. The only relationships I have been in are the ones with my families and friends. I never understood why I was single. Was it my looks? My attitude? My personality? Was I not putting myself out there and making myself available? Were my accomplishments intimidating to guys and that’s why they never pursued? So many…
How To Heal From Insecurities Part II
When someone tells you something that does not line up with what God has spoken over you, it is a lie. What you do with that lie is vital. The enemy wants you to believe those lies so that you can stay defeated and bounded. God wants you to break free from those lies so that you can live the full and abundant life He has set out for you. People perish for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6) but when you gain knowledge and know the truth, you will be forever set free (John 8:32). Unfortunately, we cannot control what others say or do to us; however, we can control…
Don’t Stop
Whatever you do, do not stop. That is something that I have been telling myself these past few weeks because I have felt ready to give up. But no matter how emotionally, mentally, and physically drained I am. No matter what is not going my way. No matter how hard the enemy is attacking me, I have to keep going. I have to keep pushing through. I have to keep fighting. I want the same for you. It’s not easy when you feel by yourself and you feel like you have no one to turn too. It’s not easy when you feel like you are suffocating and being pressed on…