Consistency Is Tough!
Ever felt like wanting to give up? I know. It gets tiring sometimes to continue doing what God has called you to do especially when you don’t see the results you were hoping for. You said yes to the calling but did not realize how much you had to fight against to keep going. You did not realize that you may not get the dedicated support of your family and friends. On your social media platforms, you’re consistently pushing our content and you know that people see it, yet the support is little to none. No matter what God has called you to do or where God has called you…
22 Scriptures on Fear & Anxiety
Before you read on, I want you to know that God does not want you to walk in fear. Fear is not of God (2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of PEACE, LOVE, POWER, and most importantly, a SOUND MIND). Fear comes from the enemy. The enemy wants nothing more than for us to walk out of our blessings so he uses that debilitating spirit to decrease our hope, limit our victories, but mainly, to make us give up so that others won’t see the light and goodness of God through us. I ask you, “What is your biggest fear?” What is…
Benefits of Journaling
Are you someone that struggles with mental health issues? Mental health issues include, but not limited to, feelings, thoughts, behaviors, and perceptions of depression, anxiety, fear, stress, worry, or suicidal thoughts. Do you struggle with feelings of anger, loneliness, rejection, trauma, or frustration? Do you feel like you’re suffocating at times? Do you overthink? Do you feel like your head is about to explode with so many thoughts running through your mind and you just want to give up? If your answer is yes to any of these questions, I have one of the best remedies. That is…. JOURNALING. Let me give you some reasons as to why journaling may…
No Sex Is The Best
Can I tell you how happy I am to be a virgin? Now, don’t get me wrong. I spent alot of my younger adult years not valuing such a special gift because of how I felt and what I saw. Those who went to church were having sex and saw nothing wrong with it. Friends whom I made a pact with to wait it out till marriage gave in. In television shows and movies, all I saw were people having sex as long as they were either physically attracted to each other, in love, or just needed their sexual appetite fed regardless of how they felt towards the person who…
How To Stay Focus On Your Vision And Accomplish Your Goals
In the world that we live in, it is so easy to get distracted and loose sight of the things that we want out of life. Not only that, there is the devil who wants nothing more than to see you fail. Whether it is your job that may not even be your career, family, or finances, it can be difficult to pursue what you want out of life because of resources, lack of support, no openings, or simply, no vision. I had spoken to a friend of mines the other day and he had asked me how do I stay focus. Here’s what I told him: Do inventory. Who…
Letter To The Single Gal or Guy
Dear single friend, I know firsthand that being single is not easy. When you look for singleness sermons and ask others about singleness to help encourage you, they tell you all the good things. These are things you’ve probably heard: Enjoy your singlehood because you don’t have to answer to anyone. You get to spend time with your friends. You get to travel. Go on missionary trips. Be of help to others. You get to pursue your dreams whether it is to go to college or start your own business. You get to learn about you. You get to spend time with God with no interruptions…. The list is endless.…