• Healing

    When You’re Tired of Helping

    There are so many reasons why you get tired of helping people. It seems as if whenever someone needs you, you are available but when roles are reversed and you need someone, no one seems to be there for you. To be honest, you do not mind helping others. You take great pleasure in doing so but there were moments when it became too much, and you were just done. Done being available. Done being that person people can count on when they are in need. Done offering advice. Done being a listening ear. Done being that shoulder he or she can cry on. During your hard moments, everyone seemed…

  • Healing

    God Is With You

    God is with you. God is with you. God is with you. He sees exactly what you are going through. He is not blind to your tears. He is not deaf to your cries. He sees how sad you are. He sees how unhappy you are. He sees how hurt you are. And He feels it. You are His child. You are one with Him. He is not allowing you to go through this difficult time to torture you. He is not allowing you to go through this hardship so that you can fall into depression or commit suicide. He is not allowing you to go through this trial due…

  • Healing

    Feeling Alone

    Have you ever felt alone? Like really really alone? Where you thought that the people who were supposed to be there for you did not show up when you needed them and their support the most? Where people who you were once close too moved on into a new season of their life, and it seemed as if they forgot about you and all that you have done for them? How about going from a life of socialization to now a life of isolation? If your answer to these questions are yes, then you are right where you need to be. Can I share that I have been so overwhelmed…

  • Healing

    The Art of Letting Go

    There comes a point in our lives where we must learn to let go in order to move to the place where God desires for us to be, and that can be one of the hardest things to do. Many times, it is easier to hold on to that job, that relationship, that house, that car, that place, or that friend because there is comfort, familiarity, security, and stability in it. However, what if God is calling you to that point where you need to let go and you want too, but you just do not know how to? What happens then? With the help of the Holy Spirit, I…

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