
Be Still

Be still and know that I am God,” (Psalm 46:10) was the verse that came to my mind as I sat at my desk crying, wondering where I should go in life. Should I do this? Should I do that? Should I give up what I love to do? Should I give up what God has called me to? Should I stay? Should I walk away? I was so overwhelmed with my thoughts. In the midst of the tears, I quietly asked God for His help. What should I do God? I do not want to consult with anyone else but you. They cannot help me the way that you can. What direction should I take right now? You said the steps of a man are ordered by the Lord (Psalm 37:23). If I seek you first, all other things would be added unto me (Matthew 6:33) so God, I am coming to you. I need you. I have no idea what move I should make and I do not want to make the wrong move to only end up regretting it later. I didn’t want to go to my bed feeling depressed over my circumstances so I remained at my desk, leaning on the back of the chair, with tears in my eyes, quietly crying as I waited on God. The words that came to me were, “Be still.” Nothing else but, “Be still.”

When God speaks words as such, that means that He does not want you to move. Where you are in this current season of your life is where He wants you to be. It doesn’t make sense every time you see your bank account. It doesn’t make sense when you get notification that it is time to pay your bills. It doesn’t make sense to your family or friends why you are still at that job, why you are still married, why you are not married, why you are living there, why you brought that car, etc. It doesn’t make sense to your current situation but it is all a part of God’s divine plan for you, not anyone else’s. God wants you to stop fighting, stop stressing, stop worrying, and surrender. Relax. Breathe. It is all going to work out for your good in the end (Romans 8:28). Stop listening to others. Stop looking at what others are doing. Stop looking straight ahead and keep your eyes above as you continue walking. As the journey goes on, God will show you what to do and where to go in due season. Until then, be still.

What God admires most about His children is this thing called “faith”. Yes, there are many times where you have to step out on faith but there are also times where you have to stay, in faith. If God is wanting you to stay put, it is because something- something that you may not see right now – is tied to where you are right now. Something so big that can only be released if you decide to stay. God gives us all free will to do as we please. He will never force us to do something. The choice is ultimately up to you if you want to stay or leave. However, the favor and the blessings of God are derived from following in His way even when it hurts the natural man within us.

If you are at a crossroad today and you do not know which direction to walk in, just be still. The worst possible thing that you can do for yourself, and even your mental health, is to walk in a direction that you feel like is right for your life without the approval of God. Wait on God. Timing is everything. He will continue to supply all of your needs (Phillippians 4:19) as He has always been doing in His way. Keep getting out of bed. Keep doing your thing. And do not move from that crossroad until God has spoken.

Peace will always come when you are in the Will of God even when things are difficult.
Provision will always be there when you trust God even when things are difficult.

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