
Benefits of Journaling

Are you someone that struggles with mental health issues? Mental health issues include, but not limited to, feelings, thoughts, behaviors, and perceptions of depression, anxiety, fear, stress, worry, or suicidal thoughts. Do you struggle with feelings of anger, loneliness, rejection, trauma, or frustration? Do you feel like you’re suffocating at times? Do you overthink? Do you feel like your head is about to explode with so many thoughts running through your mind and you just want to give up? If your answer is yes to any of these questions, I have one of the best remedies. That is…. JOURNALING. Let me give you some reasons as to why journaling may be good for you:

  • Exercise is good because your body releases “feel good” chemicals such as dopamine and endorphins in your brain that makes you feel happy. However, you may not be able to get out to take a walk or run. You may not be able to exercise in the space that you live in. You may not have the money to commit to a gym membership. The same release that you get from exercise can also be applicable to journaling because you are helping your brain get rid of chemicals that make you feel stressed, anxious, frustrated, worried, fearful, etc.
  • Journaling allows you to:
    • heal because you are releasing all that is buried on the inside. All that is causing you to suffocate.
    • process through what you’re feeling rather than ignore it
    • track what is triggering you and can help you identify ways to help you combat the problem(s)
    • identify and understand negative thoughts, patterns, and behaviors
    • focus in on your breathing and connect more to your body
    • reflect, which is healthy if you want to make better choices in life
    • practice self-care
    • write about your struggles and successes
    • slow down and be mindful of what you allow to enter in
  • Journaling can:
    • reduce acne
    • reduce stress
    • reduce overeating
    • reduce hair loss
    • improve your overall immune system
    • enhance your sense of well-being and self-awareness
    • boost self-confidence
    • increase energy
    • improve sleep
    • build strong resilience so instead of resorting to alcohol, drugs, sex, or other negative behaviors that ultimately only make your symptoms worse when life happens, you can deal with life in a more positive, healthy way.

Overall, journaling can improve your mood, give you a positive outlook on life, and allow you to remain present while keeping a healthy perspective. Your overall emotional, mental, and even physical health will improve. Even with therapy, journaling is one of the number one tools that psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors, clinicians, nurse practitioners, and other mental health professionals recommend. Do yourself a favor and start journaling today! You will never regret this chance that you took.

Do you know of any other benefits of journaling? Let me know in the comments below!

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