
  • Purity

    I Want Sex and I Want It Now!

    This is a judgement free zone so can I be honest with you? Like really really honest? One of the struggles of being an unmarried person is that whenever you become horny and desire sex, you cannot satisfy the flesh. Why? Because sex outside of the container “marriage” is a sin. What are you supposed to do when you become horny and desire sex? I have learned that the answer is to go to God. I know that many of you do not want that kind of answer when you are completely turned on but if I’m honest, God is the only one that can help you in this situation…

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  • Purity

    Do I Need To Test Drive The Car?

    You do not need to test drive the car. If God is in it, you won’t need too. God will never fail you, and His Word states that over and over again. He wants the best for His children, and if you put your trust in Him, He will lead you and direct your footsteps (Proverbs 3:6) and (Psalm 37:23). He will tell you exactly what to do and how to do it. The reason why people test drive something is because they are putting their trust in themselves, or in what they have seen or heard. If you truly rely on your Heavenly Father to supply all of your…

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  • Purity,  Your Voice

    A 32 Year Old Virgin’s Story

    To be 32 years old and a virgin is not the norm in today’s society. However, it demonstrates value and integrity when you walk with God. God is so awesome. Through my platform, God has allowed me to meet some amazing people who have shared their stories with me personally, and I pray that one day, they will allow me to share it publicly. With permission, a woman that I met, who I now consider such a good friend of mine, has allowed me to share her story. Her name is Alicia. How it all began: A dear friend of mine from my internship program had reached out to me…

  • Purity

    Encounters Around My Virginity

    If you know me, I am a honest person. I never lie about who I am and who God created me to be. I do not openly parade that I am a virgin, but when asked, I am upfront. I have always told the truth about my relationship and sex status, and many times, telling that truth has often left me feeling insecure and alone. I want to share some of my encounters that I have experienced around my virginity. (Click here to check out my virginity story!) Because I have been journaling for the past few years, I was able to record in great detail the encounters that took…