
Dare to Believe Again

God is asking you to believe again. Stop looking at what is in front of you and look to Who is above you. Even if you do not see it. Even if you do not feel it, know that God is working and He never stops.

I am believing for something so big in the year 2023. My finances tell me that it does not make sense to dream for something that I literally have no money for right now. I wrote down this specific thing on my vision board for it to happen this year and although it hasn’t happened YET, I have written it down again on my 2023 vision board, in my prayer journal, and in my vision book for it to happen in 2023. After I pay my credit card bills, my rent, my tithes (still have to be faithful even with what seems like so little. Little is much when God is in it right?), and my car, there have been moments where I would sit and cry because I’m like, “How God? I need more money. I barely have anything left.” And those payments are not all of it. There are things that are on auto-payment.

To be honest, when I look at my finances, it tells me that even participating in an extracurricular activity is extremely unaffordable. Yet, because I wrote the prayer down of me being able to attend dance school for my 2022 vision board last year and also in my prayer book earlier this year, God opened the door for me. Even while paying all of my bills on time and little left in my bank account, God did it. This all happened because I went to God and gave it to Him. I prayed about it asking Him to grant this desire of my heart because it was something that I wanted for a little over a year now. It was something for me. It was going to be used as my stress reliever and form of exercise. Affording dance school and keeping up with the payments as well as buying the clothing for the showcases is literally the grace and mercy of God. Every month, God has been allowing me to make the payments to go, and I have never gone without.

Because God has been taking care of me with something as small as dance school, I know that He will take care of me with this bigger thing. Even without the money in my hand right at this moment, I know that God is working because He connected me with someone two days ago (Tuesday 12/27/22) and thus far, things have been moving at a steady and sure pace, which I need. I still don’t know how God is going to do it for me and where the money is going to come from, but He who began a good work in me will carry it to completion (Philippians 1:6). If God opened this door for me without me even having to search hard for it, then I know that I have to activate my faith like never before and continue walking through this open door even if doubt may arise. If God hasn’t stopped working, I shouldn’t stop walking.

You may not have the resume, the finances, the job, the support from loved ones, the connections, the resources, the space, the time, nor the energy to even think that what you have been praying for will even happen. However, you have to remember that God is so much bigger than anything that you are facing right now. If He says that it is yours, then you need to dare to believe again. You can never say that God has never done anything for you in the past that literally seemed unattainable and impossible to mankind. It may not have been something physical but what about allowing you to live this long even when you and doctors know that your health is not in tip top shape? God wants you to have everything that you are desiring for that lines up with His will for your life, and He does not want you to shortchange yourself because you chose not to believe again.

Let me tell you that before 2023 is over, this thing that I am believing for will come to pass. If I am daring to believe again, so should you! 2023 should be a year of answered prayers like no other but do not think that it will come easy. You have to put in the work. You do so by praying, fasting [as the Lord leads you], being faithful in tithing, walking in obedience even when it hurts the flesh, and trusting God to do the impossible. You may not be a Bible scholar like your mother or grandmother, but knowing Scripture is vital so that when the enemy tries to feed you lies about what you are praying for won’t happen, you can feed him the truth of what God says!

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