Don’t Wait. Just Do It
What I am learning during my time in Canada is that you just have to do it. Whatever it is that you want out of life, you just have to be courageous and bold enough to go after it especially if you are very much single like myself. Don’t live your life waiting for others to come along with you because you may end up disappointed. Let me clear in saying that I am not saying that the people around you will ghost you or leave you hanging. What I am saying is that the people in your life more likely than not have different life schedules than you especially as you enter adulthood so it is not as easy to do something spontaneous like how you used to back in the days.
Lately, I’ve been waiting to travel. Travel for business as well as for vacation. I know that there is so much this world has to offer and I want to experience it. I want to know what’s beyond my everyday living. My parents advise that I don’t travel alone, and I get that being that we live in an unfortunate world and I am a woman. However, it is not always that simple. Majority of my friends, including my siblings, are either in relationships, married, pregnant, or with child(ren) so in a way, I am left to my own device.
As an adult, there has been some fear in learning how to do things on my own and going places by myself. I’ve always had my sisters around growing up so I was never alone. I never had to do things on my own. I had a companion (e.g. friend or sister) everywhere I went whether it was going to school, church, vacation, grocery shopping, restaurant, or even driving at times. I never learned how to do things on my own because I did not have a reason too. However, I have been able to push past the fear with the help of God because I have learned that waiting on others can actually hinder you and your own growth. Let me give you some examples:
1.When I was living with my family during my young adult years while going to college and working part-time, I enjoyed taking a walk in the park for some physical exercise as well as to clear my mind. My parents would tell me not to go alone and to take one of my sisters with me. I remembering asking my sisters if they would want to come with me and many times, their response was, “No”. The very few times that they did come with me, they only wanted to walk for a short amount of time and then go home which was not helpful to me at all. So eventually, I ended up going to the park by myself and spending hours just walking while listening to music and talking to God. I would come home refreshed and in a much better mood.
2.I was supposed to visit the church that I go to now since December of last year because a friend of mines invited me. It was going to be her second time going and suggested we go together. I was always down and ready to go with her but something always came up on either end where it could not happen. When the school year was over in June for the both of us, it was more a reason to go to the church however it still did not happen. I decided to take it upon myself to go by myself and I ended up visiting the church for the first time this past July and never looked back since then. I have been involving myself in small groups, being a faithful and active participant, hungry to know more of God. Unless I am out of the state or had a prior commitment, I show up on Sundays and groups in the week.
3.I had plans earlier this year to travel with a friend for business this month, August. I brought up the idea to her around January/ Feburary and she was 100% on board because she stated that she could also work on her business. I took the steps by keeping her abreast when our original date could not work out because I decided to pick up some extra hours at work. I gave her some ideas when and where I wanted to go. I researched how to make a trip a business trip. I was doing my part. I was waiting on her to make things happen on her end but it never happened so that’s why I took it upon myself in July to plan a trip for myself in August. Still to this day, she never brought up our business trip plans.
I hope you see where I am going with this. It is not to paint anyone to be a bad person. It takes a lot of coordination and people willing to make sacrifices to do the things that you want to do. Also, life happens. Things come up. I get that and in no way, shape, or form am I not taking that into consideration. What I am learning through all of this is that when you wait on others, especially if they do not have the same zeal that you do, dreams, visions, and goals are not accomplished. If I would have waited for one of my sisters to come with me to the park, my friend and I to visit the church together, or to go away on a business trip with my friend, it would have not happen. I had to get to the point in my life where I told myself it is either I do it now or I do not do it at all. So my advice to you is that if you want to do something or go somewhere, I am giving you full permission to do it and go for it.
Live your life and do the things that you want to do, and if someone comes along with you, great. And if not, still great. You have God. He is always with you and will guide you. He will protect and keep you so you do not need to fear.
Be bold. Be strong. Be courageous. You only have one life to live here on Earth. Don’t waste it waiting on someone else to make things happen. Step out on faith and live the life that you were destined to live. Just do it!
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