God Didn’t Choose Them. He Chose You.

“But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7
God can choose anyone that He wants too to carry out His purpose. He can choose the more qualified. The most attractive. The best physically fit person. The one who has an impeccable resume. The one who has traveled the world and is financially stable. The one who is completely healed, set free, and delivered. The confident, bold, and courageous one. A homeowner rather than an apartment renter or someone who does not have a place to call their own. The one who is in their career rather than someone working a “dead end” job. The married rather than a single, widow, or divorcee. The list can go on. However, he did not choose them. He chose you. He wants you. He does not care about your mistakes, failures, past sins, background, or upbringing. He cares about you as a person. He sees your heart, and that is all that He needs. It may seem like you are unfit to carry out His purpose. Just like me, you’ve probably struggled with insecurities your entire life, still do, and are struggling to break free. Or maybe you’ve made so many mistakes in your life. Had a lot of failures. Your fear always seemed bigger than your faith. Or maybe you are so hurt from things people have done to you and you don’t see how you could ever move on, let alone be used. And yet, God looked past all of that and chose you.
The reason God chose someone like you is for many reasons:
1. It’s not because of what you don’t have but rather what you do have. What you do have and the qualities that you currently possess is what is important to your Heavenly Father. That is what He is going to use to bring about the greatest victory in your life as well as those in the lives you touch. Even if you are timid, insecure, broken, broke, fearful, have a disability or disorder, He wants you. Not your sister, brother, mother, father, auntie, uncle, grandma, grandpa, guardian, or friend. It is these specific qualities that make you special in His eyes. It is these specific qualities that will be used for a greater purpose. He made no mistake when He created you. He knew exactly what He was doing.
2. You are set apart. He destined for it to be that way even before you were formed in your mother’s womb. Isn’t it awesome to know that as God was forming you, He was probably thinking, “You are going to be so special. I am creating you to be unlike the rest because I am setting you apart for My purpose. You cannot go where everyone else gets to go or do what everyone else gets to do. It’ll hurt but it will be okay because I will be with you every step of the way. I am going to use someone like you to draw millions of people.”
3. He knows that you can handle it. It does not feel like that for you especially when you look at your natural circumstances but God sees up ahead. He sees your transformation and your strength. It is the heart that He is looking at. He is not looking for perfection. He is looking at your determination, dedication, obedience, and willingness to submit to His Will even if it hurts the flesh and even when you have nothing.
If you know that God is calling you, I pray that you answer and say yes. The journey will not be easy but it will be well worth it along the way. Not only are you saving, healing, delivering, and freeing so many from bondage, God is also doing a work in you. Your struggles will become your victories. Your losses will become your wins.
Rely on God fully and His strength as you walk in your purpose. There are going to be plenty of times when you feel like giving up on what God has called you to do. The good news is that you’re not doing it by yourself. He is with you the entire way. Because His spirit lives inside of you, you are never alone!
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