God Is So Good
This blog is unlike any other. This came at a time where I was just reflecting on the goodness of God and not on my circumstances. Many times, we can get so caught up in the things going on in our lives that we forget who God is and what He can do for us if we turn to Him. He is a friend, a comforter, a provider, a healer, and so much more. When you focus more on God and less on self, you will see just how much God has been there for you and wants to continue being there for you. That is how much He loves you. You are not a mess. You are His precious miracle. As you read my entry, be encouraged. Seek God with your whole heart. You will find Him and He will answer.
“God is so so good. Even in the darkest hour, even when you seem like you can’t go on, even when you can’t get up, even when anxiety and depression try to overcome you, even when things aren’t going the way you would have hoped, even when every door closes, even when you’re not where you want to be in life,… God is still so so good.
I wasn’t expecting to write a blog post this week but as I laid awake in bed at 5:20am, I was reminded of how good God is. Even when the very thing that I desire and have prayed for for years still hasn’t come to pass, God kept me. I could have easily lost my mind and gave in to the things that weighed me down. I could have turned to drugs, alcohol, the streets, sex, go from relationship to relationship to fill a void but God kept me. He protected me. He sees big for my future and although I don’t see it yet, I know that I have to trust the process and hold on to His unchanging hand.
My storm kept me close to the Cross. I’ve cried out wondering if God has ever heard me and the truth is, yes, He has. He has heard my cry and will deliver me (Psalm 116, Psalm 18). That is His promise. He also promises to never leave me (Deuteronomy 31:6). He who began a good work in me will bring it to completion (Philippians 1:6).
The way that God continuously loves me even when I am unlovable at times, The way that He easily forgives me when I find it hard to forgive those who have wronged me. The way that He has patience with me when I lose patience with other people. The way that He saved me when I was going down the wrong path. The way that He heals me when my heart has been broken time and time again. Every let down by someone else, He was right there to pick me up.
If you do not know Him, I pray that you seek Him. He is truly all that you need. He will give you a peace like no other. You will experience freedom, joy, and deliverance in His presence. Don’t let the troubles of your life keep you away from your Heavenly Father. You may not understand everything that has happened in your life but stand firm that it will one day be used for your good (Romans 8:28).”
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