How To Maximize Your Season Of Singleness

Your season of singleness is a special season to be in. There are so many things that you can do and achieve. One of the best things you can do for yourself, for your future spouse, and even the next generation is… to learn yourself. Find out your likes and dislikes. Find out what you will and will not tolerate. And most importantly, find out your strengths and weaknesses. What are you good at? What positive traits do you carry? On the flip side, what are you not so good at? What are some things that you struggle with? Me personally? I know that I love helping people. I love being that person whom people can come to for advice or to just be a listening ear. That’s one of the main reasons why I chose the field of school psychology. Not for the money but to be in a position to help so many kids. So many kids are hurting and are going through, and if they could just have one person that they can go to, it can make all the difference. Being in a position like that in the school system allows me to see just how devious the enemy is. I can see insecurities, brokenness, depression, anxiety, fear, and abuse on so many kids without them having to say much. That’s how the enemy operates. He attacks those who are defenseless to try to take them out but my position allows me to break every plan that the enemy has over the lives of these children.
My strength has also led me to start this ministry where I can help others navigate singleness and a walk of purity. No, it is not easy but just to have someone who is in the same age bracket as you, who may look like you in terms of hair texture (I have 4b/4c kinky coily hair) or skin complexion, or who has been in the same boat as you can also make a huge difference. It can encourage you to keep going even when you want to give up.
A weakness of mine is that I have struggled with comparison. Sometimes I still do. Where I look at all that I don’t have or what I don’t like about myself or my life, and look at others and what they do have. Because I know my weakness, I have learned not to go on social media for long periods because that is me opening up the door for the enemy to bring jealousy and envy. I do what I have to do on social media whether it is to post, share a post, or like a few posts, and then get off. Knowing this weakness gives no room for the enemy to attack.
It is important to know yourself. It is important to know your strengths and weaknesses because it gives you even more authority over the enemy. It allows you to be ahead of him so that when he tries to attack, you can stop him dead in his tracks and tell him what he’s not going to do. It allows you to rely heavily on the Word of God so that you know who you are and who you are not. No one can tell you about yourself when you take the time to learn all about you.
*If you haven’t already, make sure you subscribe by joining the club and follow me on Facebook Page, Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, and YouTube @singlechronicles7 to stay motivated and inspired* XOXO Ali

One Comment
I agree with you 100%. There are some things that I do struggle with. Thank you for being open!