Patience Is Key
We live in such a fast paced society where delayment is not an option. If you want it, go after it now. Instant gratification is the way to go. So can you truly blame someone when they develop this kind of mindset? Growing up, I always wanted things to go my way now. I did not want to wait. I did not want to reason or come to some type of resolution or compromise. It was either my way or the highway, and that created an impatient spirit within me as an adult. As an adult, I want a house now. I want all my bills paid off completely now. I want to make 6 figures now. I want my ministry to grow now. I want my business to thrive and expand now. I want to take business trips now. I want to go on vacation now. I want everything as of yesterday. I don’t want to wait for things to happen. I want to make things happen in the very moment. I was always used to being in control of every detail of my life and today, I am not. This past year, I literally had no choice but to let go. God had to force my hand to let go because of the destruction He saw up ahead if I did not allow patience in. It is so hard to not be in control anymore because that [control] is familiar to me. I have been so uncomfortable because God has been shaking my comfortability. I could go back to my old ways by trying to make things happen in my own strength but I have been choosing to surrender because I am tired!
Very recently, God has been revealing to me why it hasn’t all happened now. It is because it is IN the process that that is where the greatest healing, miracle, revelation, wisdom, knowledge, victory, favor, blessings, deliverance, contentment, grateful attitude, dependency [on Him], and peace will come from. It is IN the process where I will learn so much. Not beforehand. Not when it is all said and done. But “IN“. God knows exactly what you and I are in need of. He knew way before we even brought our requests to Him. This time around, the reason why God may be withholding is because He wants you to develop patience. Patience is where that process takes place, and it is that process that will bring you to the other side. It is hard to wait. TRUST ME. You may want to be in a relationship now. Be married now. Have children now. Be out of financial debt now. Get a better car or apartment now. Loose weight or gain weight now. All of your reasons for wanting it now are valid, however, you have to learn to trust the process. No, it may not make sense now but one day it will and you will thank God that He allowed you to wait.
The process strips you of your pride, selfishness, dependency [on yourself], control habits, hardened heart, and so much more. God wants you to obtain those desires of your heart but He will be doing you a great disservice if He allowed it all to happen now. You will most likely be upset later on that God allowed it to happen when you wanted it to in that very moment because you saw how immature and unready you were to receive it. All that is happening now is specifically for your good {Romans 8:28), and you have to hold on to that as you navigate this process. Remind yourself of that daily.
Don’t rush out of this season because of impatience. We readily want to go ahead of God because we believe that the grass is greener on the other side, but many times, it is the exact opposite. Going ahead of God only leads to regret and who wants to live a life full of that? It is better to wait on God and be at peace with that than to go ahead of Him and then have to spend years cleaning up the mess you made. It is not worth it. If God has you in a season of waiting, especially when you know that He has placed you in that situation, then something so good is going to come out of it. If He brought you to it, fully knowing how hard it will be to wait, then it is because He wants to prepare you for what is up ahead. Eyes have not seen nor ears have not heard all that God wants to do in your life if you will just trust Him [paraphrased 1 Corinthians 2:9]. He wants you fully prepared for what is up ahead so in this process, let Him continue to work in, on, and through you so that you can be ready to receive all that is coming your way. Get ready! Because it’s about to blow your mind!
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