
The Truth About Sex

The very act of sex has become distorted. From the shows and movies we watch, to the books we read, to the music we listen too. There is nothing godly about the way sex is portrayed today. I never had sex but I know that God has been showing me His truth about it little by little so that I can continue waiting it out because truthfully, it gets hard sometimes. I know people who wanted to wait but gave in because of the struggle of waiting. However, I believe that when you know the truth about something, it will make you want to wait. So let me share with you some truth:

The truth about sex is that it is supposed to be a pure act. The reason why I had such a distorted (false view) of sex for so many years is because of the media. As long as you like or are “in love” with this person, having sex is okay. This person doesn’t even have to be someone that you’re in a long term committed relationship with. If I’m horny and you’re horny, why not? Having sex with someone who is not your husband or your wife takes the “pureness” out of sex completely. This also ties into pornography and masturbation. There is no purity in that. Walking into the marriage already knowing how to please yourself can be extremely dangerous. It places unreasonable expectations on your spouse that he or she may never be able to fulfill, thus making sex an undesirable act for both of you. 

The truth about sex and sexual intimacy is that it is a special gift from God to express the deepest spiritual and physical unity between a husband and a wife. Wouldn’t it be beautiful to give your husband or your wife something that you gave to no one else? Wouldn’t it be beautiful to let your husband or your wife know that you’ve waited, and that you can give yourself completely without knowing that no one else saw or experienced what you’re about to give your spouse? 

The truth about sex is that you give a piece of yourself away to each person that you sleep with. Sex is more than just a physical act. Way more. By the time you get married, would you be okay knowing that 1,2,3,6,12 people have a piece of you? A piece that you will never be able to get back? Would you be okay knowing that someone has a piece of your spouse because your spouse did not wait?

The truth about sex is that it is supposed to be explored within marriage. You do not need to come into the marriage with such excellent knowledge and skills when it comes to sex. It doesn’t make you a better person if you know exactly what to do or how to do it. It doesn’t make you any less of a person if you truly don’t have much knowledge and skills. The society that we live in puts that shame and guilt on us, especially guys. Society sometimes make us feel unworthy and unattractive if we never had any sexual experiences. But who are you trying to serve? God or society? You gotta pick. It’s one or the other. I think the most beautiful thing within a marriage is when you and your spouse can explore sex together. 

The truth about sex is that sex is not supposed to be a selfish act. I believe that if both husband and wife go in with the attitude of, “How can I please my husband” or “How can I please my wife”, the sex and sexual intimacy within your marriage will be amazing. 

The truth about sex is that there shouldn’t be any negative consequences. When you have sex outside of marriage, the consequences are so profound. It takes so many people years to heal from having sex with someone who is not their spouse. Why? Because of soul ties. Unwanted pregnancy. Diseases (e.g. STDs). Insecurities. The list goes on. When you have sex within the proper container [marriage], and you know that the marriage is God-ordained with Christ at the center and foundation, then you shouldn’t have to worry about any of these things.

Are there any truths that you know about that I didn’t mention? If so, comment below!

*If you haven’t already, make sure you subscribe by joining the club and follow me on instagram, pinterest, and tiktok @singlechronicles7 to stay motivated and inspired* XOXO Ali


  • Roni

    Amazing blog post! Sex outside of marriage may have instant gratification at first but in the long run, it can take years of healing and breaking those soul ties.

  • Tabitha Wright

    So my husband and I waited until marriage to have sex. Sex is beautiful. Within marriage it is gratifying and satisfying. However sometimes it’s complicated and emotionally messy even within marriage. For this reason I am so thankful that we waited until we were married because if we had engaged sexually before being untied as one it would have been even more complicated. Thanks for this blog post!

    • Ali

      I definitely enjoy your perspective on this as someone who is married. Thank you for being so transparent in sharing that!