
Ways To Enjoy Your Season Of Singleness

There are so many ways to enjoy your season of singleness. It is truly a blessing to be married but it is also a true blessing to be single. You may not see it now but I believe that if you make it up in your mind that you will enjoy this season of your life every day no matter what, you will begin to see the blessing. We only have one life to live here on this Earth and you are doing yourself a disservice if you are just trying to endure this season. At the end of their lives, many people don’t regret what they did. They regret what they never done. What they never accomplished. What they never pushed themselves to do. Don’t let that be you. So how can you enjoy this season and stop wasting it away? Take a look below!

  1.  This is a season unlike any other where you can spoil you. Don’t wait for someone to come into your life for that to happen. Do it now!
    • Go to the Dollar Store and create a spa-like evening.
      • Get a cooling eye mask, fill the tub with rose petals, light a candle, and enjoy your spa night. Afterwards, use some coconut oil, put on your favorite matching set of pajamas (or you can go out and buy one!), and give yourself a manicure and a pedicure.
    • Who says you need a man to buy lingerie?! Go ahead!
    • Update your entire undergarment section in your draw!
    • Take yourself out to eat.
    • Buy yourself balloons, flowers, or maybe even a bottle of wine to celebrate when wins happen.
    • Want to get fancy in the kitchen? Invest in those meal prep plans like Freshly, Hello Fresh, or Factor75 and take cooking to a whole new level. Find new recipes online!
    • Establish a routine to exercise and workout. Maybe its first thing in the morning (which is the best time to do it), as soon as the workday is over, or the last thing before you call it a night. Your physical body needs some loving too!
    • Have date night with God. Once a week, cook, dress up, and let it just be you and God. Use that time to write letters to your future spouse if you want or just commune with Him, sharing the good, the bad, and the ugly.
    • Have movie nights with yourself.
  2. What do you like to do? Have you ever wanted to have your own business? Start a ministry? Give back to your community? Be an influencer? Pursue a degree? Whatever it is, now is the time to stop talking and start doing!
  3. Connect with current or old time friends and family. It doesn’t have to be an every week kind of a thing but maybe once-twice a month, plan a hang out to catch up.
  4. Get back into old hobbies and interests that you have laid aside. Was it reading? Crocheting and/or knitting? Sports? Gaming? Learning a new language? Dancing? Writing? Traveling?
  5. Write down goals that want to accomplish. Where do you see yourself in a year? 5 years? 10 years?
  6. Organize! Whether it is your home or your life. Now is the best time to do it all.
  7. Discover yourself. Who are you? What are your likes/dislikes? Why did God put you here on this Earth? What is your purpose in this life? Who do you want to be when it’s all said and done?

The list is endless. We have to get away from a culture where everything must be done as a couple and set a new trend. Are you single? If so, what are you doing?! Are you waiting around for Mr./Mrs. Right or are you going to make it a priority to be right within yourself by investing in you? If God is allowing you to be single, it’s for a very good reason. The worst possible thing you can do for yourself as a single is sit in pity, feeling sorry for yourself, or feeling as if something is wrong with you because you’re not in a relationship. Don’t make “single season mistakes“. Get up! Make the most of this season because as you know, seasons do not last forever. 

Do you have other ways on how you can enjoy this season of singleness? Let me know!

*If you haven’t already, make sure you subscribe by joining the club and follow me on instagram, pinterest, and tiktok @singlechronicles7 to stay motivated and inspired* XOXO Ali