
When God Gives You A Word

God speaks and uses His people in many ways. This time around, God wants to use you. He wants you to be a light in this dark world. He can use anybody but God is choosing to use you to touch the lives of so many people. He’s not looking at your friend. Not your family members. Nor your colleagues. He’s looking at YOU. Your past and even current circumstance(s) is what will bring forth an awesome testimony. It is what will draw people to Christ.

God gave you a promise on how He wants to use you to speak to this lost and dying world, and He wants you to carry out that “pregnancy” to full terms. When God gives you a Word, know that the enemy has also heard that Word and will do everything in his power to make that Word, that promise, not come to pass. Many times, God shows you the end but not the in between to build your trust, dependency, and faith in Him. If I’m keeping it real with you, you will go through hell on your journey. You will go through an experience that no one may be able to help you through because that experience was only designed for you and God. It won’t be a smooth ride but God promises that He will be with you every step of the way, strengthening and encouraging you to keep going.

I started studying the Book of Nehemiah this past week and what I am learning is that even though the enemy came after Nehemiah hardcore, his faith and trust in God did not waver. Satan’s purpose is to destroy God’s people and God’s work. He does not want you to carry out your pregnancy. The enemy will come after you with many tactics as he did with Nehemiah: ridicule, slander, opposition, discouragement, distraction, and even physical threat. The enemy used people to try and stop Nehemiah. The enemy is using people now to try and stop you because he desperately does not want the Word that God has given you to come to pass. Nehemiah’s counterstrategies helped him to persevere despite the attacks, and He succeeded in the end. The wall was built. How did success come for Nehemiah? He stayed in constant prayer. He stayed close to God. He sought God for everything, making no decisions without Him. He continuously put on the full armor of God daily to stand up against the schemes of the enemy (Ephesians 6:13). He stayed prepared and was always on guard (Nehemiah 4:13-18). He reminded himself and his men of God’s promises “The God of heaven will give us success” (Nehemiah 2:20). I am nowhere near finished with this Book but just the first few chapters was an encouragement to know that if God kept Nehemiah through the fire, He will also keep you too.

I want to let you know that the enemy will always be after you as long as you continue living for God. The only reason why he is attacking you this hard is because he is threatened by you. You have greatness inside of you. Thieves don’t break into empty houses. You got purpose and that’s what the enemy is after. Don’t give up. With every attack should come a surge of energy to stay in the race. It is such an honor and a blessing that God is choosing to use you. In your moments of weakness, rely on God’s strength. You weren’t meant to be strong on this journey. It’s your weakness and God’s strength that will carry you through.

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