
When God Makes You Wait

Merriam Webster dictionary defines the word Wait as, ” to remain in place in readiness or expectation of something.” When God makes you wait, it is actually a good thing because it’s helping you get ready for what’s to come. It is true that the waiting season can be one of the hardest season to live through because it is a season that requires faith, trust, obedience, and most importantly, patience. It is a season where fatigue, frustration, and discouragement sets in because the promise seems so far away. It is also a season where you tend to look at others who have started out with you and get the house. Get the business. Get the car. Get the relationship. Get the marriage. Get the divorce. Get the child. Get the college acceptance letter. Get the career. Get healed in their bodies from all kinds of diseases and pain. Get the raise. Pass the exam on the first try. Start the ministry. Move up the ladder on the job. And then here you are. Doing everything right, and even when you don’t, you repent, and yet, you are still waiting. I know.

I too am in a season of waiting. A season that I didn’t expect to last this long. A season where so many doubts flooded my mind that I began to look inwards rather than upwards. A season where I’ve cried more than usual, grown frustrated, lashed out at people because of frustration, become depressed, become highly discouraged, looked at others whom seemed to have it all together, and yet here I was and currently am, waiting. Was it something that I did? That I said? Was it something that I didn’t do? Didn’t say? Did I move to the right place? Did I choose the right career path? Did I miss the calling that God has placed over me? Is it too late? The questions that you and I have asked ourselves are endless. However, even during these low moments of the wait, God has shown me the beauty in it, and I believe that He wants to show you too!

The waiting season can actually be a beautiful season if you just change your perspective. It can be an opportunity where God can heal you from past hurts. It can be an opportunity where God can renew your mind, and mend the broken areas in your life. It can be an opportunity where God can strip away all of the ugliness and make you beautiful. I believe that the reason why so many relationships, whether it be romantic, friendship, familial, etc. fail in all aspects is because someone, if not all parties, has a broken heart, and many times, has failed to allow God in to heal them. Can you relate? If God is making you wait, I believe that it’s because healing is involved. I believe that it’s because He wants to reveal Himself to you on a deeper, more intimate level. So many people are operating in brokenness, walking around with a rejected, depressed, insecure mindset when that doesn’t have to be. God wants you to walk this life with 20/20 vision, where you see things from His perspective. Where you are able to forgive quickly. Where you are able to love those who have hurt you with the love of Christ. Where you are able to have so much joy and peace in your heart no matter the circumstances. The only way this can happen is if you allow healing in. The waiting season is where God can take that hurt and show you His loving truth, so please, do not despise the wait!

In the wait, not only do you get to heal, you give God room to show you other hidden talents and untouched visions that you haven’t even explored. I enjoy helping others in any way that I can. If I was married, as that is a desire of mines, I wouldn’t have been able to do this blog because my time would have been extremely limited. However, because God is allowing me to experience the waiting season, I am able to give my full, undivided attention to you, and be used by Him in unimaginable ways. If I did not embrace the wait, I wouldn’t have been able to explore things like cooking, crocheting, or reading edifying books. I wouldn’t have been able to truly see how close the bond between my sisters and I are. I wouldn’t have been able to explore what it truly feels like to be on my own, and to have to make my own decisions. I wouldn’t have been able to take a pause from the busyness of life, and understand what it is that I want to accomplish and do in this life. There is so much that God is showing me in this waiting season that it would overwhelm you if I begun to list them. Things that you have never imagined doing happens during the wait. While you are waiting for God to open that one door, He is opening up many other doors for you where your talents and visions can come to life.

The wait also gives God a chance to develop qualities within you that you will need to make it to the next level. I am learning to be confident in who God created me to be; learning to love on me before I can truly love anyone else; learning to connect more to my heart so that when I am hurting, rather than look past it, go to God and explore that pain in His safety so that I can heal quickly; and so much more. The ability to be patient, walk in obedience, trust when it doesn’t make sense, and have faith beyond what is seen has definitely become stronger. Are there qualities that God is developing in you that you believe could have not been developed outside the waiting season?

I leave you with this: the next time you start to look at your waiting season with a negative mindset, stop, and refocus. Remember that this season is all about healing, new discoveries, and enhanced qualities that makes for a better you! Also remember that the wait is only for a season, and as we know, seasons do not last forever!

It is optional, but if you would like to comment below on what you’re waiting on, how you’re handling your waiting season, and/or anything related to your waiting season, I would greatly appreciate that so that others can be uplifted if they are discouraged in this season. We are in this together!

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