
When You’re Tired of Helping

There are so many reasons why you get tired of helping people. It seems as if whenever someone needs you, you are available but when roles are reversed and you need someone, no one seems to be there for you. To be honest, you do not mind helping others. You take great pleasure in doing so but there were moments when it became too much, and you were just done. Done being available. Done being that person people can count on when they are in need. Done offering advice. Done being a listening ear. Done being that shoulder he or she can cry on. During your hard moments, everyone seemed busy with their own lives. When you did reach out, it felt as if you did not get all of their attention. Your feelings are normal. I get it. I completely understand. I’ve been there so let me give you some advice.

The Word of God states that when we refresh others, we will be refreshed (Proverbs 11:25). This is a promise that God gave us. The reason why you get tired of helping people sometimes is because you feel as if no one helps you when you need it the most. Sounds about right? Well, let’s talk further. You have a right to feel that way but let me change your perspective. Many many times, we are always looking to man (whether that be a friend, a family member, a pastor, youth leader, etc.) to be there for us in our time of need when the truth is, we should be looking to God. It is God and God alone that refreshes us, and it is His choice if He wants to send someone our way to pour into us. In the meantime, our responsibility is to go to Him, talk to Him, and allow Him to be that friend to pour into us in exchange. Allow Him to renew our mind. Allow Him to refresh our soul and physical body to continue on this journey of helping others.

God wants all of you, not bits and pieces. We may not even realize but we tend to go to others first to help us before even considering God. God loves you. He desires to be first in your life where He gets everything of you before man. He wants you to seek Him first and from there, whatever you need will be added and given unto you (Matthew 6:33). You need a friend? Go to God first and talk to Him. Many times, God honors our request by providing a friend in His timing. Until then, we must learn to find peace, rest, and refreshment in Him.

It is nice to have friends to go too, however, in those moments when you have no one to turn too, that is when you need to go to God. Sometimes what you are going through is not meant for anyone else to know but God. Sometimes, God wants you to go to Him first so that He can be the one to give you the clarity and understanding before you go to anyone else to share whatever it is that you are going through. And many times, by going to God first for a listening ear can sharpen your discernment so that you know who to talk too if need be,

*If you haven’t already, make sure you subscribe by joining the club and follow me on instagram, pinterest, and tiktok @singlechronicles7 to stay motivated and inspired* XOXO Ali

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