
You Are Set Apart

You cannot go where everyone else gets to go. You cannot do what everybody else gets to do. You cannot have what everybody else gets to have. You have to get to a place in your life where you can be okay with that. I know that sometimes you feel left out, looked at strangely, questioned, or even laughed out when you make a decision to deny your flesh and to daily follow Christ. God knows what you are feeling because He’s been there. When He walked the Earth as Jesus in the flesh, He was discounted, disqualified, mocked, rejected, and ostracized because of his determination and obedience to wanting to follow Christ. He understands your frustration and your feelings of “aloneness”. He sees those tears. He sees your broken heart. He literally feels your pain. He knows those moments when you cannot even utter a sound because of the sadness you feel in your heart. You look at everyone around you and it seems like they are having more fun, living that YOLO (You Only Live Once) life, and here you are, serving Christ, and you feel like it’s not fair. That feeling is normal. Just know that you are far better off living a life with Christ at the center than engaging in the cares of this world. You know that when you feel broken, you can run to God and allow Him to be your healer instead of numbing it with drugs, alcohol, or sex. It may look like people out there are having the times of their lives but ask them about their heart. Most people neglect it. 

When I tell guys who I am and what I stand for in terms of not wanting to have any form of sex until marriage and being a God’s girl, here are some of the reactions/responses I get: 1) “I don’t date virgins. Too much work. Too clingy. I cannot be in a relationship where there’s no sex. That’s not happening“….2)”It’s fine if you’re a virgin. I don’t mind showing you a few things” [even when that guy knows that I don’t want to do or see anything relating to any form of sex, masturbation, or pornography]. These kinds of guys put pressure on you to compromise and have no remorse if you do. These are the kind of guys that are selfish and are only looking to please themselves in the long run…3)” Wow, your life must be boring and tense.” … 4) “You are such a loner. You need to get out more.”… The list is endless. If I am honest with you, responses like these sometimes make me feel bad about my stance because it feels as if I always lose, and that is what the enemy wants me to think. However, God sees it as completely different. 

Your story may not be like mines, but in the end, whatever your story is left you feeling rejected. I came to tell you as God told me that you weren’t rejected. God wants to remind you today that you never were. It’s just Him hiding your value from them because they aren’t assigned to your destiny. He does not want everybody and anybody in your circle because who knows what that influence would do to your oil? Don’t give in and believe the lies of the enemy. You got purpose and that is what the enemy is after. 

The awesome of our Heavenly Father is that He will place people along your path many times for just a season to show you how special you really are. That person will encourage you to keep going and to embrace the path that God has placed you on. That person will see your worth and do whatever it takes to protect your integrity at all costs even if it means having to walk away from you. 

Make no mistake that when God sets you apart, it’s because He has something in store for you that will blow your mind. He wants to use you. He wants to bless you beyond measures. Indeed the path can get extremely lonely at times but in those dark hours, remind yourself that God is there. He is with you and He sees you. 

Be you and embrace that because everybody else is taken. God didn’t ask you to be her. He didn’t ask you to be him. He asked you to be you.

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