
Just Do It! Celebrating In The Small

All too often, we wait until something big happens or someone special comes into our life to celebrate. As great as that is, we should also celebrate when we reach little milestones by ourselves for ourselves. For example, you may be in college right now and you are waiting until you finish the semester or graduate to celebrate but what about those little accomplishments prior to getting to the end? What about that time when you studied extremely hard to pass that difficult exam and you did? Or when you consistently showed up to class when you didn’t feel like it? What about the steps you’re taking to go after your dreams? It may not be much to someone else but it should be to you. Those little things get overlooked because we are looking for the grand picture and until we can achieve it, we continue going without taking a pause to celebrate ourselves. We burn out too quickly and go through life unhappy because we did nothing for ourselves during those in betweens.

This past Tuesday, I decided to do something that I thought I may never accomplish because of all the excuses I made up. Whether it was money, or it not being the right time, or never having the time, I found some way to not accomplish this one goal. The goal was to take myself out to eat. You may be like me where you have a reason as to why you can’t celebrate that one small step you took. The reason may be valid, however, it should not stop you from doing something for you. Pushing past all of the excuses in my head, I decided to research a breakfast spot that I can go to near me, showered, got ready, and went. Although 99% of those in the cafe had someone with them to chat with, I did not feel alone. I put my airpods in and read some blog posts from a blogger that I follow while I ate. I was beyond happy that I pushed myself to accomplish yet another goal and celebrate myself while doing so. I have worked so hard these past few months and so have you. I could have easily went about my day running errands as that was the plan but I had to show up for me. I can’t expect others too if I don’t do it for myself first.

Work hard but play just as hard as you work. We do not know the day, time, or hour that God will call us home and that is why I stress the importance of celebrating right where you are. Whether you take yourself out to eat, buy yourself some flowers, go to Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks, whatever it is, just know that it’s worth it! These little moments rejuvenate you as you continue going to accomplish your goals and become all that you were created to be and do.

Don’t wait. DO IT NOW!

*If you haven’t already, make sure you subscribe by joining the club and follow me on Facebook Page, Facebook Group, Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, and YouTube @singlechronicles7 to stay motivated and inspired* XOXO Ali

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