
How To Stay Focus On Your Vision And Accomplish Your Goals

In the world that we live in, it is so easy to get distracted and loose sight of the things that we want out of life. Not only that, there is the devil who wants nothing more than to see you fail. Whether it is your job that may not even be your career, family, or finances, it can be difficult to pursue what you want out of life because of resources, lack of support, no openings, or simply, no vision. I had spoken to a friend of mines the other day and he had asked me how do I stay focus. Here’s what I told him:

  1. Do inventory. Who are you hanging around? Do the people you hang around share the same mindset and goals as you? Do they push you closer to your dreams or further away? Do they support you or discourage you? Having friends is awesome however, if you are realizing that they may be a hinderance or you do not find yourself growing, do not “ghost” them completely. Just reduce the amount of time you spend with them. 1 Corinthians 15:33 states, “Bad company corrupts good character.Proverbs 13:20 states, “Whoever keeps company with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools suffers harm.” Even God himself is telling you to be careful of the company that you keep!
  2. Have an accountability partner. You need a friend that will hold you accountable for your actions and be completely open and honest with you. You need a friend that you can be vulnerable with. A friend that is not afraid to tell you no or judge you. A friend that can encourage you when you are discouraged. A friend who will pray for you and keep you on the right path. Your accountability partner should be someone of the same sex. Why? Many times when you open up and talk to someone of the same sex, feelings get involved and boundary lines can definitely become blurred over time. Having an accountability partner of the same sex is the best thing you can do for yourself if your goal is to stay focused.
  3. Have a vision board. At the end of each year, I usually do a vision board where I write down all that I want to see accomplished by the end of the new year. I usually like to create categories first (e.g. “Relationships [romance]”, “Current Job”, “Future Job”, “Career Goals”, “Finances”, “Personal”, “Business”) and then add specific goals in each category. Ask yourself, “What would I like to see happen in terms of my finances (e.g. have your own apartment or own a home? start to save even if its $10 every paycheck? start a business to have an extra source of income?) In terms of my personal life (e.g. exercise? cook more? drink more water? travel? find a hobby and stick to it?). In terms of career goals (e.g. apply to jobs that are in my career field? work on my resume? research where I want to work?). There are tons of examples of vision boards online. It’s okay if you never did one or started one for this year. You can start now! And remember as you add goals, make sure you keep your goals very simple so that you can achieve them. If you need direction, ask a friend. Ask God. As I learned throughout my years of psychology courses, keep your goals SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Based! Once created, place your vision board near your bed so that you can have a visual reminder of what you want the new year to be like and start working towards it.
  4. Knowledge that you CANNOT and WILL NOT be able to walk this journey of life by yourself. That is the best way for the enemy to attack. Having that accountability friend can help you see things that you never saw or just see things from a new perspective. If you do not have an accountability friend, ask God! He will bring friends into your life who share the same mindset as you and will support you.
  5. Stay connected to God. He is your ultimate source. Without Him, you are nothing (John 15:4-5). He will supply all of your needs (Philippians 4:19). He is the one that gives you favor, provides you resources, opens doors that no man can shut, elevate you even if you are no where near qualified. He will protect you, give you strength, and guide you to make the right decisions to bring you that much closer to your destiny and the calling that He has placed over your life!

*If you haven’t already, make sure you subscribe by joining the club and follow me on Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook page, TikTok, and YouTube @singlechronicles7 to stay motivated and inspired* XOXO Ali

One Comment

  • Roni

    This is well needed! You gave great tips on how to stay focus and reevaluate certain areas in life.