Dating & Relationships

Protect His Purity. Protect Her Purity.

If you are not married, and you are dating and/or in a serious committed relationship where you want to wait it out until you say, “I do”, let’s not awaken anything before its time (Song of Solomon 8:4). You want to be in a relationship where you protect your partner’s purity, and where your partner protects your purity. It can be hard to wait when hormones and sexual desires are there but you will be glad that you chose to wait in the long run.

*You want someone that will lead you to God and not the bedroom. This kind of person is worth waiting for.* -Ali

How do you protect someone’s purity?

  1. Be mindful of what you wear around the other person. They say that men are visuals. And I believe women are too. Know what to wear when to wear it.
  2. Do not be alone anywhere, especially during the evening hours.
  3. Sleepovers? Nope. Sorry.
  4. House visits when the fam is away? Nope. Sorry.
  5. Let’s go on vacation together! Nope. Sorry.
  6. Hang out in group settings if you can. If that’s not possible, ask God to bring godly friends/family members around so that no one is alone.
  7. Stop playing the role of a husband (e.g. getting groceries for her) or a wife (e.g. cooking for him) without the commitment of marriage.
  8. Have conversations. He or she won’t know until you say it.
  9. Be honest with your partner. If you are feeling horny and ready to have sex, and tonight is date night, let your partner know. Reschedule. Don’t play with fire. You will get burned.
  10. Be honest with yourself. If you know that this (whatever “this” is) will turn you on, remove yourself from the situation. Don’t test yourself to see how far you can go without getting burned.
  11. Maybe kissing or even innocent touching (e.g. touching her by her waist or holding on to his arms) may be a no go if it always leaves you wanting more.
  12. Be mindful of the conversations that you have. There is no need to talk about favorite sex positions and what you like in the bed if you’re not married.
  13. Have cutoff time with phone and text conversations. Nothing good happens when the street lights come on!

Do you know of other ways of protecting his purity or her purity in dating and relationships? Comment below!

*If you haven’t already, make sure you subscribe by joining the club and follow me on instagram, pinterest, and tiktok @singlechronicles7 to stay motivated and inspired* XOXO Ali

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