You Are Set Apart
You cannot go where everyone else gets to go. You cannot do what everybody else gets to do. You cannot have what everybody else gets to have. You have to get to a place in your life where you can be okay with that. I know that sometimes you feel left out, looked at strangely, questioned, or even laughed out when you make a decision to deny your flesh and to daily follow Christ. God knows what you are feeling because He’s been there. When He walked the Earth as Jesus in the flesh, He was discounted, disqualified, mocked, rejected, and ostracized because of his determination and obedience to wanting…
When God Gives You A Word
God speaks and uses His people in many ways. This time around, God wants to use you. He wants you to be a light in this dark world. He can use anybody but God is choosing to use you to touch the lives of so many people. He’s not looking at your friend. Not your family members. Nor your colleagues. He’s looking at YOU. Your past and even current circumstance(s) is what will bring forth an awesome testimony. It is what will draw people to Christ. God gave you a promise on how He wants to use you to speak to this lost and dying world, and He wants you…
How To Heal From Insecurities
I remember getting prayed over in March of 2019 by the associate pastor of my church during altar call. When he got to me, with my head bowed eyes closed, he touched my forehead and began to pray. Tears filled my eyes because he prayed what I needed to hear to continue on this journey. He gave me the scripture, “They that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength…” He stated that I need to wait and to trust God. He told me to look at him but I couldn’t because I felt so ashamed and so unworthy. When I finally looked at him through the tears, he told…
#1 Advice for Singles Q&A
The below conversation came from Kassia, a now dear friend of mines who had reached out to me. Parts of the conversation were left out for privacy reasons. K: Hi Ali, am I able to message you on this Instagram page? I need some advice on my singleness. A: Hi! You definitely can! What’s going on? K: So, I wanted to see what are some ways to overcome being numbness to my singleness? A:What do you mean by numbness? Is it that you’re tired of being single? K: Basically. And that sometimes I feel like I have to fight my emotions in becoming okay to being single for the rest…
Ways To Enjoy Your Season Of Singleness
There are so many ways to enjoy your season of singleness. It is truly a blessing to be married but it is also a true blessing to be single. You may not see it now but I believe that if you make it up in your mind that you will enjoy this season of your life every day no matter what, you will begin to see the blessing. We only have one life to live here on this Earth and you are doing yourself a disservice if you are just trying to endure this season. At the end of their lives, many people don’t regret what they did. They regret…
The Enemy Is After Your Purity
The enemy is after your purity. He will do anything and everything to make you get rid of such a precious gift. Once you make that commitment to God to hold on to it until He blesses you with marriage, the enemy begins to work overtime. God has heard you loud and clear, but so has the enemy. The enemy is the author of manipulation, deception, confusion, and deceitfulness. He will start to make people who you never had any interest in before look good. People from your past will come back. Your DM’s begin to flood with people trying to “get to know you”. Just about every guy [or…