• Singleness

    My “Resume”

    To this day, I would sit and find it so surreal that I have never been actively pursued by a guy. I have only been on one date in my entire life and that was earlier this year, never been in a relationship, and never had a boyfriend. It doesn’t make sense. As a 28 year old with an active social life, so many achievements, and things going for her, it has to be the strangest thing especially in a society like today. At times, if I am honest, I find it almost embarrassing to share such a vague resume when the topic of dating and relationships come about. The…

  • Dating & Relationships

    I NOW Desire a Husband

    Can we agree that it is by no accident when God places people in our lives? I can provide you countless times when each person that I have come into contact with over the last years has served a great purpose in my life whether the experience was painful [in which I’ve learned from] or one that was filled with joy. This season of my life is no different. I was speaking to a friend while at work a few days ago and through conversation, he shared with me how he met his soon to be wife. He stated that he was not actively looking but he was open to…

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  • Healing

    Count It All Joy

    Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1:2-4 These past 6 months have been such a trying time but what I am learning as I sit back and reflect is that it takes true spiritual maturity and growth to count it all joy the trials that you face. Having those that I’ve invested time and energy in lie to me and deceive me for months without realizing it at the time, facing financial hardships,…

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  • Healing

    Learn To Work With What You Got

    I am learning that the key to being content and full in life is to work with what you have.   For the past 3 years, I have been asking God to open up the door for me to be in a school district with better pay. I enjoy where I work and I like the people that I work with but the cost of living is expensive and my paychecks are slipping through my hands like oil. The amount that I would see every paycheck created frustration, stress, and anxiety. I didn’t like knowing that I couldn’t pay my credit card bills in full because my rent and car…

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  • Dating & Relationships

    I Desire Marriage But I’m Not Desperate!

    It is no secret that I desire marriage. The older that I get, the longing for companionship, physical intimacy, and someone to do life with becomes stronger. I have even caught myself asking God at times, “Would it ever happen for me?” I see my friends and family who are in the same age bracket as me in relationships, married, on their 1st, 2nd, or 3rd child. I see how comparison in this area has destroyed a lot of my peace and joy because I was focusing more on what I didn’t have rather than what I did. The lack of experience in dating and being in a relationship has…

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  • Healing

    God Is So Good

    This blog is unlike any other. This came at a time where I was just reflecting on the goodness of God and not on my circumstances. Many times, we can get so caught up in the things going on in our lives that we forget who God is and what He can do for us if we turn to Him. He is a friend, a comforter, a provider, a healer, and so much more. When you focus more on God and less on self, you will see just how much God has been there for you and wants to continue being there for you. That is how much He loves…

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