• Healing

    The “Suffering”

    Merriam-Webster defines “suffer” in so many ways but the 2 definitions that really stick out to me are: 1. to endure death, pain, or distress 2. to sustain loss or damage If you happened to stumble upon this blog, then I am going to take a wild guess that you too may be in a season where Merriam-Webster accurately describes your current state of being. You may be going through a season in your life right now where you have grown so frustrated because of all the losses and pain you’ve experienced. Every time you sit and think about your current circumstances, the tears cannot stop from running down your…

  • Singleness

    Singleness Blues

    Can I be honest with you? Like really really honest? There are times when I feel so content in being single. I am able to move to the beat of my own drums. I can go out whenever I want to and come home late without having to check in with anyone. I don’t have to make breakfast, lunch, or dinner if I’m not in the mood; and on the flip side, I can make breakfast, lunch, or dinner for myself when I am in the mood without having to make it for anyone else. If there is something that I want, I can easily buy it because my money…

  • Encouragement,  Healing

    You’re Different. Embrace It.

      SingleChronicles7 came from a place of singleness and purity. The reason why I developed this platform was because I wanted to encourage others who are in the same boat as me. I wanted others to know that it is possible to follow Christ, be single, maintain your purity, and still enjoy your life to the fullest. I have met people who have felt the need to conform to society to be well-liked and fit in. Rather than embrace their difference and set apartness, they want to blend in so that they do not stick out like a sore thumb. They go along with the crowd because it is much…

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  • Dating & Relationships

    You Do NOT Need To Date Around

    Yup, you read the title correctly. You do not need to date around in order to find the one. Let me break it down for you. Society tells us that you need to date around. You need to put yourself out there in order for you to find the one or for the one to find you. Dating around will help you figure out what you want in a mate versus what you don’t want. It will make for a successful, long lasting relationship. You will learn more about yourself as well as the opposite sex. You will learn what it takes to keep or break a relationship. While all…

  • Healing

    Take It Off

      I remember sitting in bed with tears in my eyes one night talking to God because I felt so lost and frustrated when it came to my job. I wasn’t happy with what I was doing as a career. My third year has been so difficult for me. When I first started my career as a school psychologist back in August 2019, I was so happy. I loved my job and couldn’t anybody tell me otherwise! I enjoyed what I was doing. I loved that I didn’t have a supervisor who micromanaged me but allowed me to move to the beat of my own drums. I was at schools…

  • Singleness

    Don’t Wait. Just Do It

    What I am learning during my time in Canada is that you just have to do it. Whatever it is that you want out of life, you just have to be courageous and bold enough to go after it especially if you are very much single like myself. Don’t live your life waiting for others to come along with you because you may end up disappointed. Let me clear in saying that I am not saying that the people around you will ghost you or leave you hanging. What I am saying is that the people in your life more likely than not have different life schedules than you especially…

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