
God Is With You

God is with you. God is with you. God is with you. He sees exactly what you are going through. He is not blind to your tears. He is not deaf to your cries. He sees how sad you are. He sees how unhappy you are. He sees how hurt you are. And He feels it. You are His child. You are one with Him. He is not allowing you to go through this difficult time to torture you. He is not allowing you to go through this hardship so that you can fall into depression or commit suicide. He is not allowing you to go through this trial due to your past sins. God loves you. He loves you so much that He wants to strengthen you. He loves you so much that He wants to use you in such a mighty way that will blow your mind when it is all said and done. You are being crushed and pressed on every angle but let me remind you that you will not be destroyed (2 Corinthians 4:8-12). You, my friend, WILL NOT be taken out. You will not be burned (Isaiah 43:2). God promises that. He has so much great things in store for you but you have to hold on.

You are going through the fire right now because something great is about to happen in your life. In order for greatness to be produced, preparation has to happen. God needs you to learn His voice. He needs you to learn how to find rest and comfort in Him. He needs you to learn how to become fully dependent on Him to meet your every need. Why? Because He wants to birth something so amazing out of you. He wants to use you to reveal His glory to the world. It is this pain that will produce the greatest miracle.

I believe that in this dark hour, you are experiencing a pregnant season in a spiritual sense. God is filling you up with His Word little by little. Yes, this may be a season of devastation, heaviness, sadness, and pain for you, but I believe that when this “pregnant” season is over, what is going to come out of you will be beautiful, and people will know that it was God and God alone. When you look back, you will smile, knowing how God kept you through those long “nine months”, and how the suffering blessed your life in every area, just like a newborn baby. And also how the suffering completely transformed you into a new being that is totally healed.

Let this be an encouragement to you to continue carrying out your pregnancy. Don’t give up. Eyes have not seen and ears have not heard all that God is about to do in your life (1 Corinthians 2:9). Finish your race. You are right where God needs you to be. It hurts like hell and you are weary but God promises you that you will reap such a beautiful and full harvest if you faint not (Galatians 6:9).

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