
My 1 Year Anniversary of SC7!

What a year!! Today marks the one year anniversary of my “baby” SingleChronicles7! I cannot believe all that God has allowed me to do within one year of SC7. SC7 started because I had come to a point in my life where I was ready to share my struggles in hopes of helping someone else who may be going through. God gave me the confidence to go forward and once I took that step of faith, I never looked back.

Let’s take a look at my journey:

*I started out on a free blogging platform website September 11th, 2020 and then decided to create and design my very own website [on a paid platform] January 6th, 2021.

* I never had an Instagram account. I decided to start a personal one @lovelikedria May 2020 and then decided to create a separate instagram @singlechronicles7 for motivational, encouraging, and inspirational quotes November 2020.

*I created my own pinterest boards on Pinterest starting the end of January 2021.

*My very first TikTok video was taken and posted February 1st, 2021.

*My Facebook page was created September 13th, 2020 and Facebook Group was created June 15th, 2021.

*Youtube started April 3rd, 2021. I decided to start YouTube because I wanted to expand on some of the concepts that I talked about on TikTok. TikTok has a lot more restrictions so it is not the best platform if you want to touch upon everyday, honest topics. Also, TikTok videos cannot be long. I know that mines were under 1 minute each.

*Back in November/December of 2020, I remember texting a friend stating that I wanted to start a stationery line one day where I can create my own journals, planners, notebooks, desk items, etc., because of my passion for journaling and love for stationery. I told my friend that it was something that I would want to do in the future, not anytime soon, but God had an entirely different time frame for me. My stationery line @suppliedbyali was launched May 15th, 2021 where I released 3 different sets with a mini book, journal, and August 2021-July 2022 planner in each! This past Summer, I connected with a company overseas to help me design this beautiful stationery set that I cannot wait to release very soon. I currently have a page on Amazon where you can shop my current items. My very near future plans with my stationery is to create my very own online store!

Do you not see the awesomeness and amazingness of God? There were so many times where I have grown discouraged. Depression, anxiety, and fear had hit hard at times. Loneliness overtook me for a period. I had no motivation or desire to work on my ministry or business. However, through it all, I continued to push myself. I did not throw in the towel even when the enemy presented every reason as to why I should stop. There was more against me than for me but I did not give up.

I would never forget that on October 5th, 2017 at 22 years old, I had written down 5 things that I would want for myself by the time I was 26. One thing that I wrote was to be used by God to share my story of singleness and purity, and to touch the lives of hundreds and thousands through it. I did not know how it would happen but that was my prayer and goal. God came through because He used just about every social media platform that you can think of for my good well as well as His. He was the one that drew people to my content. As of today, I have well over 13,000 people combined following and supporting me and what I do as I pour into them what God has poured into me. I did not have to sell myself short or compromise my integrity to gain attention. I stayed true to myself as I shared the truth and knowledge of Christ and as I continued taking one step after another, God started moving. I did not do as the world does. I did what God wanted me to do. I followed His leading and direction. Doing so helped me to help others.

My parting words as I celebrate the one year anniversary of something that God has allowed me to give birth too is to never give up on your dreams. You may not know how. You may not know when but that is not for you to figure out. You may not get the support from family and friends. You may only have 5 true followers and supporters who are loyal and will show up for everything that you create. That’s okay. Continue going after what you want. Don’t do it for man. Do it unto God. Trust Him enough to open doors for you that no one, not even the devil in Hell, can shut. God will provide the resources, the connections, the people, and the finances for you to do it all as He did for me. I always say that when people come to the end of their lives, many times, they do not regret what they did. They regret what they did not do. What they did not remain consistent, disciplined, and faithful in. Do not let that be you. If God put something in you, pursue it with all your might because you will reap such a huge harvest if you faint not (Galatians 6:9). That, my friend, is a promise!

*If you haven’t already, make sure you subscribe by joining the club and follow me on Facebook Page, Facebook Group, Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, and YouTube @singlechronicles7 to stay motivated and inspired* XOXO Ali

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