• Healing

    Faithful In The Small

    God is asking you today if you can be faithful in the small. You may not be where you want to be in life but can you still be faithful with where you are in this season of your life? It may seem like everyone is going ahead of you. It may seem like you are in a dry season and you’ve been in it for years. It may seem like nothing is going your way but can you still be faithful? Can you still trust Him? Can you still walk in obedience? According to the Word of God, faith is defined as, “Being sure of what we hope for…

  • Singleness

    Never Had A Boyfriend? Never Dated?

    So what’s my story? How come I never had a boyfriend? How come I never been on a date? I’ve been told that I am too picky, too uptight, that God has probably brought Him already and I rejected him, that I’m letting too many guys down, etc. If I was to listen to what everyone had said, I would have been in wrong relationships, hurting these guys, getting hurt, but most importantly, walking out of my destiny. Don’t get me wrong. I never had a bunch of guys knocking down my front door but I did have guys approach. Here’s the story: In my late teens, early 20s, I…

  • Healing

    God Forgives You!

    I have noticed all too often that when people sin, mess up, do things that they weren’t supposed to do, put themselves in situations they have no business being in, go completely against what God has said, and/or ignore red flags, instead of going to God, they run away from Him. They cover their mistakes. They hide it. They walk around thinking that it’s all good but deep down, the guilt, shame, embarrassment, and hurt weighs so heavily on them. Is this you? If it is, don’t be discouraged. That’s how the enemy operates. That heaviness that you are feeling is all the enemy’s doing to try to separate you…

  • Singleness

    How To Maximize Your Season Of Singleness

    Your season of singleness is a special season to be in. There are so many things that you can do and achieve. One of the best things you can do for yourself, for your future spouse, and even the next generation is… to learn yourself. Find out your likes and dislikes. Find out what you will and will not tolerate. And most importantly, find out your strengths and weaknesses. What are you good at? What positive traits do you carry? On the flip side, what are you not so good at? What are some things that you struggle with? Me personally? I know that I love helping people. I love…

  • Purity

    How To Maintain A Life Of Purity

    It is not that simple to walk a life of purity. If anybody told you that being a virgin or practicing celibacy is easy, well, good for them. However, to those who are made of flesh and have fleshly desires and cravings, well, let me be the first to tell you that that is natural and also very normal. God knew exactly what He was doing when He created you and I. What God wants from us is not to ignore our desires and cravings or satisfy them with instant gratification. God wants us to submit our flesh to Him daily. Luke 9:23 states, “Then he [Jesus] said to them…

  • Dating & Relationships

    Truths To Relationship Lies Part I

    In a previous blog post, I wrote about some relationship lies that I had to unlearn. Navigating dating and relationships are not easy but approaching it with the right mindset can make all the difference. With every lie comes a truth, and today, I want to discuss the truths to some of these lies. Lie: It is unlikely that someone would want to date or marry a virgin. Truth: I believe that if the person that you are in a relationship with is from God and that person has their own personal relationship with God, then your decision to remain a virgin until marriage will be seen as something beautiful and…

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