Faithful In The Small

God is asking you today if you can be faithful in the small. You may not be where you want to be in life but can you still be faithful with where you are in this season of your life? It may seem like everyone is going ahead of you. It may seem like you are in a dry season and you’ve been in it for years. It may seem like nothing is going your way but can you still be faithful? Can you still trust Him? Can you still walk in obedience? According to the Word of God, faith is defined as, “Being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see, ” (Hebrews 11:1). Even though all odds seem to be against you and your circumstances give you a logically good reason to give up, God wants you to hold on to His promise for your life. Those dreams and visions that He gave you in the beginning still hold true today and will continue to hold true until He brings it to pass. Where you are in this season of your life is by no accident. I believe that the longer the wait, the greater the blessing. When God releases you, He wants everyone to know that it was Him and Him alone. In a way, God loves to show off and reveal who He is through the wait many times not for you but for those who are watching you.
People have the mentality that, “In order to do X, I must have Y first”. In order to start that business or ministry, I must have a partner (spouse) first. When I get that career, car, apartment, or house of my dreams, then I’ll start tithing. I have to be out of this storm in order to have peace. The sayings go on. If you live by this equation, you will never be content in life. Paul wrote in Philippians [4:12], “I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.” Wherever you are in life, just keep going. Keep applying for that job while you still remain respectful, humble, and walk with integrity in your current job. Keep researching how to start a business. Create content for your ministry even if all you have is just a phone and your car to have the privacy. You keep eyeing that apartment, house, or car but you don’t have the finances now for it. You can still go to the location and thank God for it. No it’s not much to the human eye but little is much when God is in it. How can God trust you with something bigger and better if you didn’t sow in the little? God knows exactly what you are in need of and how desperately you need a miracle. It will happen but in the meantime, do your part. Work with what you have and where you are. Be content. Have peace. Let the joy of the Lord be your portion!
*If you haven’t already, make sure you subscribe by joining the club and follow me on Facebook Page, Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, and YouTube @singlechronicles7 to stay motivated and inspired* XOXO Ali

One Comment
Yes! We can be faithful in the little things